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Saturday, July 10, 2010

FCP Makes Me Become An Apple Fan

I was very reluctant to use any Apple product in the past, that's why I always thought those people who teamed up outside the Apple store to buy the iPhones were so stupid. But a few weeks ago, I bought a 32GB version of iPod Touch, and before I decided to buy an iPod Touch, I thought the same question again and again, would I really want to use an Apple product? Finally, I made the decision - to join as one of the billions Apple Fans and buy a iPod Touch. As a new Apple Fan, iPod Touch is my first Apple product that I own, and I have never owned any other Apple product before. Even though I'm a new Apple Fan, I'm so familiar with several Apple products and applications, one of them is Final Cut Pro. I can also say that FCP has indirectly changed my thoughts about Apple Products.

Speaking of Final Cut Pro, I took the video editing classes over CCSF last semester, and that class was using Final Cut Pro as the video editing application. We learned from the very basics of FCP to more complex features like filters, keyframing, etc. At the end of the course, we finished three different projects. Sometimes I think video editing is a very time-consuming task, I still remember I spent more than three hours to finish a short video project. FCP is the coolest video editing program that I've ever used. I always want to learn more about Final Cut Pro and wish to own it, unfortunately, my laptop is a PC, FCP is a Mac software, so I have no way to have it unless I buy a MacBook or something like that. FCP, I want to have you or I'll forget you.

I think I'm addicted to Apple product... Is it good or bad? I don't even know.

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