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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lots Of Garbage Inside My Apartment Building 2011 Version

Folks! This is how it looks like one year later! My neighbor still puts a lot of garbage in the hallway of my apartment building! She even brings more and more garbage everyday and she never removes her garbage out!! Her damn garbage breeds a lot of mosquitoes and flies... And it stinks!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Golden Nugget unveils ATMs that dispense gold bars

Golden Nugget unveils ATMs that dispense gold bars

Story posted 2011.01.12 at 07:47 PM PST


The Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas is living up to its name. It has unveiled a machine that dispenses gold bars and coins instead of $20 bills.

The so-called "Gold to Go" machine contains 24-karat gold bars. It can also dispense gold coins.

The cost, more than $1,000 an ounce.

No word on whether the gold bars will be accepted at the blackjack table.

Story posted 2011.01.12 at 07:47 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Outlook looks bright for 2011 graduates

Outlook looks bright for 2011 graduates

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Outlook looks bright for 2011 graduates
Updated on: 2011-01-13 04:30:24

Story posted 2011.01.13 at 01:23 AM PST


The latest job outlook looks bright for this year's college graduates. Companies are once again hiring and you don't have to be an engineering specialist to get one.

Nationwide, tens of thousands of college students are already starting their job search.

"I hope I can get a job right out of college. We'll see," says Chelsea Verhasselt from the class of 2011.

That's why these students are trying to get a jump start at Santa Clara University's job fair. This year 70 companies are present and all have jobs to offer.

"Employers are more convinced that the economy is on a steady path upwards," says Santa Clara Career Center director Elspeth Rossetti.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, the 2011 job outlook for new graduates is good. Companies plan to hire 13.5 percent more graduates with a bachelor's degree than last year.

"The future is bright at McAfee and we are doing a lot of hiring right now," says Deirdre Gaynor from McAfee.

Big names are at this job fair like McAfee, Apple, Lockheed Martin and some want their future hires to have very specific skills. But these companies aren't just looking for techies. Students with degrees in social sciences, languages, and arts also have a chance at a high tech job.

"It's not just about your academic discipline, it's also being able to talk about your personal traits, the soft skills that you have, the things that aren't evident from the degree you're granted," says Rossetti.

"You can take a marketing background and do something else with it," says Jonathan Ford from Maxim Integrated Products.

"It's a little rough right now, I've applied to maybe 30 jobs at least," says Leslie Henry from the class of 2011.

Regardless, many students are still having a hard time landing a job. Some say staying in school longer may be the best way to deal with the situation.

ABC7is sponsoring a HIREvent job fair with the Job Journal two weeks from now. It's on Wednesday, Jan. 26, from 12 noon to 4 p.m. at the South San Francisco Convention Center on South Airport Boulevard.

Story posted 2011.01.13 at 01:23 AM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Verizon to start selling iPhone on Feb. 10

Verizon to start selling iPhone on Feb. 10

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Verizon to start selling iPhone on Feb. 10
Updated on: 2011-01-11 22:27:43

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 07:26 PM PST


One of the worst-kept secret in high-tech is finally out in the open -- Verizon will begin selling the Apple iPhone and AT&T's strangle-hold on the coveted gadget is over. For years customers have complained about dropped calls, poor service and coverage with AT&T. But will Verizon be any better?

The Verizon iPhone will go on sale Feb. 10. But those who already subscribe to Verizon can pre-order theirs on Feb. 3. After talking to a number of experts, ABC7 found there are advantages and disadvantages to owning one of the new iPhone.

It's the hand shake so many wanted to see -- Apple and Verizon joining forces to sell iPhones.

With Verizon, consumers can expect to be able to use the Verizon iPhone to create a hotspot to connect up to five PCs, iPads and other Wi-Fi devices.

"Which means you can be in a hotel, taxicab, and get internet service through your phone," tech analyst Larry Magid said.

Verizon has also expanded its network to handle millions of new customers and avoid bottlenecks.

"We have advanced the capacity and built margin into our capacity throughout the country so we are ready for this launch," Verizon CEO Dan Mead said.

The biggest shortcoming with the Verizon iPhone is its CDMA network; users will not be able to talk and use the Internet at the same time.

"Verizon uses the CDMA network and AT&T executives have blasted them saying it's like in the slow lane, so we'll see," AT&T customer Jon Aizen said.

Still, many AT&T customers would be willing to switch.

"I would switch; I love Verizon service," AT&T customer Ashlye O'Hara said.

AT&T did not want to talk, but sent out a statement to say why iPhone users should keep them. "For iPhone users who want the fastest speeds, the ability to talk and use apps at the same time, and unsurpassed global coverage, the only choice is at AT&T."

Besides that, long term contracts with AT&T will keep many from crossing over. Early termination fees can cost up to $325 and consumers who want to switch over to Verizon will have to buy a new iPhone.

Joe Brown is with the tech blog Gizmodo. He says, if people switch, it will not necessarily mean AT&T customers will have fewer dropped calls.

"AT&T'S network was clogged 10 million users ago. The onus is on AT&T right now to improve their network to make the experience better for the customers. We can't wait for people to actually leave," Brown said.

Brown says he would wait until Apple releases its iPhone 5 version, which should come out in June.

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 07:26 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

IHG will pay baggage fees

IHG will pay baggage fees

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 06:08 PM PST

If baggage fees are weighing you down, there's relief in sight. Holiday Inn's parent company IHG is extending its rebate on airline baggage fees.

If you stay at any IHG hotel on a weekend, you can get a rebate of up to $100 on any baggage fees you pay.

That's twice what the chain used to pay under the old rebate. The rebate is limited to one per household.

The offer is good through April 30th and that includes Spring Break.

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 06:08 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Store refuses to return cash found in parking lot

Store refuses to return cash found in parking lot

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Store refuses to return cash found in parking lot
Updated on: 2011-01-10 22:22:03

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 11:01 AM PST


Finders' keepers may be the rule of the land on the playground, but not much place else, as one woman discovered that when she found a large amount of money in a parking lot. There are a lot of misconceptions about what's supposed to happen when you find something of value.

Margaret Symons was walking in a Target parking lot when she saw more than $1,000 on the ground. Most would consider it their lucky day, but not her.

"It was somebody else's bad day. I was thinking, 'oh my God, it could be somebody's rent. Somebody's rent and bill money, food money,'" she said.

Symons briefly considered giving the money to people she knew needed it.

"It was three days before my brother's memorial service. I could have given some money to his kids," she said. "It wasn't the right thing to do."

So she did what most people would do -- she turned it into Target where she found it. Target told her the money would be returned to her if no one claimed it in 30 days. Thirty days passed and no one claimed it, but Target wouldn't give her the money.

"And he says 'well, ma'am, for the amount of money that high, we can't give it to you. We have to keep it. We have to put it in our petty cash,' and I said, 'no way,'" Symons said.

We contacted Target about Symons' story and it confirmed its policy to 7 On Your Side via e-mail. They wrote, "If lost cash is not claimed by the owner, the store will continue to carry the overage in the event the money is claimed in the future."

Customers we spoke to, think the money should be returned to Symons.

"Definitely she has a claim to the money considering that she's the one that found it," Dominique Martin from San Jose said.

"If it's not claimed within like 2-3 week period, the person who found it should probably get it," Elizabeth Volp from San Jose said.

"There are a lot of urban legends about lost property from finders' keepers to you have to turn it into the police. All of them are sort of true," ABC7 Legal Analyst Dean Johnson said.

Johnson says the proper thing to do is to turn the money over to police, not to the place where you found it. Once Symons asked for the money back, Johnson says Target should have given it to her.

"They had duties to hold the property in effect in trust for the finder, and when she demanded it back, they were under a duty to give it back," he said.

Target has since returned all the money to Symons.

If the money had been turned over to police, it would have been held for 90 days. If not claimed, the money would have been given to the finder. We checked with San Jose police and there have been no reports filed of lost money.

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 11:01 AM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Air fares are rising for 2011

Air fares are rising for 2011

Story posted 2011.01.10 at 05:21 PM PST

We're barely into the new year, but already major airlines are ringing in their first fare increase of the year.

Southwest Airlines started things off Friday, raising fares by $4 to $10 on round trip flights.

Now, United, Delta, American and frontier airlines are matching those fare hikes.

The website, says it's the third price increase in a month's time.

It blames rising fuel costs and greater demand for seats.

Story posted 2011.01.10 at 05:21 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

100 dead birds found off Hwy 101 in North Bay

100 dead birds found off Hwy 101 in North Bay

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 01:25 PM PST


California wildlife officials are trying to figure out what caused the death of more than 100 birds found clustered together just off Highway 101.

The Santa Rosa Press Democrat reports that California Highway Patrol officers found the dead birds near the roadway on Saturday, and called in the California Department of Fish and Game to investigate.

The officers who found the birds described then as small with brown and black feathers, and said they were intact, and had not been shot.

The reports come as other, larger bird deaths have been reported in Arkansas, Louisiana and other states.

Scientists say mass die offs of wildlife happen regularly, and are usually unrelated and unreported.

Story posted 2011.01.11 at 01:25 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Monday, January 10, 2011

TVB 巾幗枭雄主題曲-原裝版(TVB Channel)

雨水冷洗情不會淡 猛風再吹而不散 愁雲和月之間 也不孤單 妳足以傾城的兩眼 較花與草還璀璨 然而眉目恍惚飄散有一絲慨嘆 流水透徹出我倆 沿路滿佈風霜也雪亮   天空灰暗 愛得到了景仰  世間什麼愛叫純潔 妳甘願化振翅紅蝴蝶   飽經挫折 傷口淌血都不至會磨滅   世間什麼愛叫純潔 處在絕望仍力竭 留守最尾一起哪怕歷劫 舉杯暢飲河邊秀美 奏一闕曲傳千里 斜陽隨著清風 已幽幽泛起 妳的美比繁花更美 我心卻只能希冀 紅蝴蝶漫天飛很美我一生銘記

流水透徹出我倆 沿路滿佈風霜也雪亮   天空灰暗 愛得到了景仰  世間什麼愛叫純潔 妳甘願化振翅紅蝴蝶   飽經挫折 傷口淌血都不至會磨滅   世間什麼愛叫純潔 處在絕望仍力竭 留守最尾一起哪怕歷劫

世間什麼愛叫純潔 妳甘願化振翅紅蝴蝶   飽經挫折 傷口淌血都不至會磨滅   世間什麼愛叫純潔 處在絕望仍力竭 留守最尾一起哪怕歷劫

Tablet computer competition heats up at CES

Tablet computer competition heats up at CES

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Tablet computer competition heats up at CES
Updated on: 2011-01-10 12:27:09

Story posted 2011.01.10 at 09:32 AM PST


Sunday marked the close of the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. This year, more new tablet computers were introduced than any other product category.

At the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show, you could lay your hands on no fewer than 20 different tablets vying for the number two spot behind Apple's iPad. Well, technically, you can't lay your hands on half of them until later this year.

Motorola has the top contender in its Xoom, with a screen larger than iPad's, higher resolution, Adobe Flash, two cameras, and Google's Android. But not until this summer.

Around the corner were Hanvon, Hanlin, PocketBook, Kyros Touchscreen, Coby Reader, Lenovo's Windows 7 IdeaPad, Dell's Streak 7 tablet, Samsung's 4G Galaxy, the WindPad, the Vizio VIA, Acer Iconis. The But nothing yet from Sony.

In floor space, tablets and tablet accessories rivaled phones and phone accessories.

There were dual Window pads that open like a book. Even a virtual digital virtual book.

And more accessories than you can shake a smartphone at. There was one game controller for tablets that mounts with suction cups. Speaking of games, Angry Birds were everywhere. Mattel even introduced a real-life version. Your digital version has its advantage, though: You don't need to rebuild your pig palace after every shot.

More tablet-ware will be on display at Moscone Center in just two weeks, when the annual Mac World convenes.

------- Links -------

Motorola Xoom

Samsung Galaxy Tab

Story posted 2011.01.10 at 09:32 AM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Bay Area politicians react to Ariz. shootings

Bay Area politicians react to Ariz. shootings

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Nancy Pelosi comments on Arizona shootings
Updated on: 2011-01-08 18:46:52

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Bay Area politicians react to Ariz. shootings
Updated on: 2011-01-08 20:35:47

Story posted 2011.01.08 at 06:07 PM PST


In the Bay Area, Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's congressional colleagues responded to Saturday's shooting as well as their own safety.

In San Francisco, former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi held a previously scheduled New Year's event. Several politicians were in attendance and even though it was supposed to be a celebration with her constituents, there was a lot of sadness as some of the state's strongest leaders struggled to find the words to express their concern for Gifford.

At the top of mind, was Arizona's congresswoman.

"Our prayers and thoughts are with all of them, with all of their families. Congresswoman Gifford is a great patriotic American," Pelosi said.

She led a moment of silence for her colleague and friend.

Rep. Barbara Lee, D-Oakland, said the family and loved ones of Giffords, as well as her constituents, "will remain in our thoughts and prayers as we continue to learn more about this heinous act of violence."

"There is always danger, but our job is to be out there and talk to people," East bay Congressman John Garamendi said.

Garamendi also took part in the moment of silence. He knows Giffords well. He and Giffords share the same style of communication with their constituents and both hold "Congress On Your Corner" events.

"Obviously, there's a risk and she's paid a huge price for being available to her constituency to answer questions, to not hide back in some back room some place with a photo opp and a sound bite," he continued.

Security for most elected officials is light. Garamendi arrived for Saturday's interview accompanied only by an aide. Still, he insists that what happened in Tucson Saturday will not make him change his ways.

"I'll stay where I am on the street corner with you or whomever," he said. "I don't like the security. I don't want it," he said.

However, security at the former house speaker's event was very tight. Staffers would not say if security levels were heightened because of the day's events.

The one thing all the officials continue to say is that the shootings need to be a wake-up call and all of the internal fighting in Washington D.C. needs to stop.

Also in San Francisco, during the inaugural meeting of the new San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Board President David Chiu requested a moment of silence for the "horrific tragedy" in Arizona.

Story posted 2011.01.08 at 06:07 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Sheriff: Arizona rampage suspect not cooperating

Sheriff: Arizona rampage suspect not cooperating

Page 1 of 2

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President Obama comments on Tucson shootings
Updated on: 2011-01-08 17:13:03

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Nancy Pelosi comments on Arizona shootings
Updated on: 2011-01-08 18:46:52

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Arizona Rep. Giffords shot, 6 killed in rampage
Updated on: 2011-01-08 20:31:45

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Sheriff: Arizona rampage suspect not cooperating
Updated on: 2011-01-10 11:45:57

Story posted 2011.01.10 at 08:44 AM PST


A 22-year-old man described as a social outcast with wild beliefs steeped in mistrust faces a federal court hearing on charges he tried to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in a Tucson shooting rampage that left six people dead.

Public defenders are asking that the attorney who defended Oklahoma City bombing conspirator Timothy McVeigh and "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski defend Jared Loughner, who makes his first court appearance Monday at 2 p.m. MST (4 p.m. EST).

Sheriff Clarence Dupnik said Loughner was not cooperating and told ABC News the suspect had said "not a word" to investigators.

The hearing in Phoenix comes just a few hours after President Barack Obama leads a shocked and saddened nation in a moment of silence for the victims and their families. Obama will observe the moment of silence at 11 a.m. EST with White House staff on the South Lawn.

As authorities filed the charges against Loughner Sunday, they alleged he scrawled on an envelope the words "my assassination" and "Giffords" sometime before he took a cab to a shopping center where the congresswoman was meeting with constituents Saturday morning.

A federal judge, a congressional aide and a young girl were among the six people killed, while Giffords and 13 others were injured in the bursts of gunfire outside a Tucson supermarket.

Giffords, 40, lay in intensive care at a Tucson hospital, after being shot in the head at close range. Doctors said she had responded repeatedly to commands to stick out her two fingers, giving them hope she may survive.

Neurosurgeon De. Michael LeMole of Tucson's University Medical Center, appearing Monday on CBS's "The Early Show," said, "the best way to describe her this morning is that she's holding her own."

LeMole said he removed a portion of her skull in order to perform the surgery but likely will replace it at some point.

"We don't close the book on recovery for years," he said, "so it'll take as long as it takes. I think the real question will be how long it will take before she's out of the woods."

About 200 people gathered outside Giffords' Tucson office Sunday evening for a candlelight vigil. Earlier in the day, people crammed the synagogue where Giffords has been a member, as well as the Mountain Avenue Church of Christ, which lost one member in the attack and saw another one wounded.

"I don't know how to grieve. This morning I don't have the magic pill, I don't have the Scripture... I can't wrap my head around this," said the church's Rev. Mike Nowak, his strong preacher's voice wavering.

Authorities weren't saying late Sunday where Loughner was being held, and officials were working to appoint an attorney for him. Heather Williams, the first assistant federal public defender in Arizona, said they're asking that San Diego attorney Judy Clarke be appointed.

Clarke, a former federal public defender in San Diego and Spokane, Wash., served on teams that defended McVeigh, Kaczynski and Susan Smith, a South Carolina woman who drowned her two sons in 1994.

Loughner is charged with one count of attempted assassination of a member of Congress, two counts of killing an employee of the federal government and two counts of attempting to kill a federal employee. More charges are expected.

Discoveries at Loughner's home in southern Arizona, where he lived with his parents in a middle-class neighborhood lined with desert landscaping and palm trees, have provided few answers to what motivated him.

Court papers filed with the charges said he had previous contact with Giffords. The documents said he had received a letter from the Democratic lawmaker in which she thanked him for attending a "Congress on your Corner" event at a mall in Tucson in 2007.

Investigators carrying out a search warrant at his parents' home in a middle-class neighborhood found an envelope in a safe with the words "I planned ahead," "My assassination" and the name "Giffords" next to what appears to be his signature.

Neighbors said Loughner kept to himself and was often seen walking his dog, almost always wearing a hooded sweat shirt and listening to his iPod.

Comments from friends and former classmates bolstered by Loughner's own Internet postings have painted a picture of a social outcast with almost indecipherable beliefs steeped in mistrust and paranoia.

Next >>

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Newsom to be sworn in as lieutenant governor

Newsom to be sworn in as lieutenant governor

Story posted 2011.01.10 at 11:03 AM PST


San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom will be sworn in Monday afternoon in Sacramento as the 49th lieutenant governor of California.

Newsom, 43, a Democrat, served seven years as mayor of San Francisco. He is known for implementing the Care Not Cash program on homelessness and allowing same-sex marriages in the city during a brief period in 2004.

A political moderate, Newsom was sometimes criticized by progressives for his ties to the city's business community and developers.

Newsom delayed his swearing-in as lieutenant governor by one week in order to ensure that the prior, progressive-dominated Board of Supervisors did not appoint an interim mayor with a far-left political agenda.

After much political jockeying, City Administrator Ed Lee, whom Newsom approved of, was selected by the board on Friday. Four new board members were sworn in Saturday, and the board is expected to approve Lee's yearlong interim term on Tuesday.

In a surprise move on Sunday, Newsom appointed police Chief George Gascon to be the city's new district attorney to replace Kamala Harris, who is now attorney general of California.

Newsom is scheduled to be sworn in as lieutenant governor at 1 p.m. in the Senate chamber at the state Capitol. He will now be second-in-command to Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown.

Story posted 2011.01.10 at 11:03 AM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Is It Good To Compete For A Fame?

I was thinking about the same question again and again these few days, "Is it good or bad to compete for fame in today's society?" There are many competitions around yourself everyday, or better to say, you have been facing competition since you were born. When you are in school, you compete with your classmates. When you graduate and ready to enter the job market, you compete with thousands and thousands of job seekers. When you have a job, in order to strive for the best, you compete with your colleagues... In short, life is inseparable from competition, a competitive society makes the world progressive.

Competition is good for everyone, but it often hurts human relations. Some people in order to win, in order to win a fame, they use a lot of dirty tricks. Some people use scheming to frame their opponents. In order to compete for a fame, some people even commit crimes. For power, for fame, for money, some people are doing something against the conscience. In the end, you will lose everything, you don't just harm other people, but also harm yourself. Is it worth it?

Competition is good, but it is also bad. It greatly depends on your interpretation and deduction. Anyway, if you have the strength, you will earn the fame and fortune, there is no need to pursuit deliberately.

That reminds me of a saying, "You say good words doesn't mean you ingratiate other people; you do good things also means to treat yourself nicely; you treat other people with good intentions, you are a person of indomitable spirit."

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Facebook rumored to be shutting down

Facebook rumored to be shutting down

Story posted 2011.01.09 at 03:54 PM PST


Palo Alto-based Facebook is battling a growing rumor on the internet that the site is shutting down for good on March 15.

The hoax appears to have originated on the website of the supermarket tabloid "Weekly World News." Facebook says it is entirely false, but it has been gaining traction on Twitter and other social networks, and has become one of the top searches on Google.

Some Facebook users have even started a petition to stop the supposed shutdown.

Story posted 2011.01.09 at 03:54 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Chief Gascon to be named SF district attorney

Chief Gascon to be named SF district attorney

Story posted 2011.01.09 at 01:15 PM PST


ABC7 News has learned that San Francisco Police Chief George Gascon will be named the new district attorney for the city of San Francisco.

The announcement is expected today during a 2 p.m. press conference put on by the mayor.

ABC7 has also been told Chief Gascon intends to run for re-election in November, for a full 4-year term.

Story posted 2011.01.09 at 01:15 PM PST

All material © 2010 ABC Inc., KGO-TV Inc. & 2004-2010 LSN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Víctor Lei

Victor's Favorite Quotes...

Firework is beautiful, but is fleeting.
Life is short, but is brilliant.

Don't expect all people will approve you, but it is important to have indomitable spirit... If you are not doing something against conscience, just do it, don't care what others think.