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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Is It Gulity To Be Quiet?

I know what many people think of me, I'm quiet and don't like to talk too much. Yes, I admitted that. Many people say me that I don't like to deal with others, that is also true. But sometimes you have to think on my side, All right? You know I want speak out and talk to other people but I can't think of something that I can talk about, or to say it simply, a topic. I can't think and have a common topic of discussion when I meet someone, that's why I always can't chat with others too much of time. Sometimes I think that my background is somewhat difficult to have a good topic of discussion with others, like there is something that others know what it is but you don't understand it, that killed a discussion. Speaking my background, something happened during my childhood has also affected my personality right now.

I was not grown up right here in the US, so what I think may be somewhat different to a native born American. The primary school that I went was a school with very strict discipline, the physical education class was just like military training. A student could be seriously punished even he committed a minor mistakes, talking in class was just one of the mistakes that could lead students to a big trouble. All the classes in my primary school didn't allow student to say anything in class, every student's mouth was shut and sat like a robot (without any facial expression), no one can say anything in class except for the teacher. If you were caught that you moved you lips, (yes, just move your lips!) you would be sent to detention after class; in some cases, you might be filed a bad record in school. I was one of those students who were always punished for talking in class!

Again, I want to tell everyone and want everyone to understand my hardship, I want to talk to you guys, but you have to think on my side and know my past. Quiet is not a guilty, I don't know why people always think those who don't like to talk too much are freaks.

If I were not studying in that school, I could be very different than what I'm now.

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