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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 8 @ EOTB

The time is going so fast, I have been working for EOTB for eight weeks! And I can tell you this week was the most excited week so far since I started my internship there back in September. Why? Because I could go out with the production crew and assisted with the shooting.

First, it was just a normal office day on Tuesday, I worked in their office for researching story ideas and checking email / phone messages, typical office duties for that day. But on Thursday, for the first time since I worked for them, I, along with two other interns, followed the "Friday Flea Market" production team to the Michaan's Auctions in Alameda and assisted with the shooting and setup. First, we set up the cameras outside the Auctions place, right at their parking lot. The first segment that we worked was the interview with the people of "Petting Zoo", before and during the interview, they showed us many cool creatures that they brought, that was such an eye-opener! Then we went back inside the Michaan's Auctions place and were ready to shoot the Friday Flea Market segment, the sellers that we had invited came to the location with their cool and unique items. What I had the largest impression amongst the guests was the lady who is a "balloon twister", she can twist balloons in many different shapes, she can even twist those balloons into a flower, a fruit basket, even a cartoon character. What a highly skilled balloon twister!

After we interviewed the seller and introduce the last item that we have for the "Friday Flea Market" segment, we wrapped up and packed everything to our van around 3:00 pm. That was my first day as a field production assistant.

I felt so excited as I could work the first time for field production of a TV program, there will be another crew out to the field next Thursday and I wish I could join them too!


Víctor Lei

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