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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Honesty and Credibility

Everyone, no matter he is studying or working, must always have honesty and credibility. These two attitudes are for your entire lifetime, especially when you are living and / or working with someone. Honesty and credibility are also complementary attitudes, you must have them both. Why are they so important Just think it like this: If you have no credibility and honesty, nobody would trust you, and employer would like to hire you. It's a crystal clear principle.

Few weeks ago, I was looking for a job in the field of video editing, later I found out that there was an organization (I'll call it "A" hereafter) which was looking for an video editor, they want someone to help them to edit and make a 30-second video PSA. Then I contacted "B", the representative for the organization "A", and she said she would like to have a teleconference with "C" and me few days later in order to discuss more about the project they're planning to do. "C" was the project partner of "B". Then I made a teleconference with "B" and "C" in a morning few days later, during the conference, "B" and "C" told me about their organization, what the mission is, and their desired outcome of that video project. I also commented and asked a few questions about their storyboard, after they explained them to me, everything was looking pretty good. We concluded the teleconference about 15 minutes later, before we ended the call, "B" said she would like to meet me and "C" together somewhere in the week after, I agreed and told them that I would like to meet them in the City, they said OK. "B" also said she would give me an update about the project few days after our teleconference. "No problem." I said. For some unknown and unclear reason, I have never heard from "B" or "C" or even the organization "A" again about the video project, and that teleconference was the only discussion and communication on that project. No one contacted me and told me what is going on. I never know.

This is irresponsible behavior, if you don't need my help, you can simply call me and let me know. It is also a courtesy to let someone know that you don't need his assistance. You never tell that person, he will never know what is going on.

I would like to make an reprimand to both "B" and "C", their behavior are irresponsible and rash. I also want to make a serious condemnation on their sloppy working behavior. I hope that they can fully reflect on their mistakes and not to repeat them in the future.

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