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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why I'm So Unpopular - I Must Review Myself

I'm so upset today. Yesterday was my cousin's 18th birthday, his friends setup a birthday for him at Pizza Hut. He's got a bunch of people celebrating his birthday last night and received so many gifts. Yes, Exactly what I saw at another party one month ago. 

I was sobbing after seeing that. I always envy the people who are popular and be loved by the others, I said I didn't understand why they're so popular, people setup parties for them for any occasion. Someone I've known for months is very popular, but the cousin who grew up with me is also very popular. I have to review myself, review the way I treat people, and ask myself why I 'm so unpopular, no one likes me. Did I do something wrong that made me being unpopular?

I have been here for 10 years, no one celebrates any occasion with me, not to mention my past 10 birthdays, I celebrated all those 10 birthdays virtually by myself and didn't received a single birthday gift. 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th birthday, no one celebrated with me. What about my upcoming 25th birthday in just one and a half months? I think I'll be celebrating my birthday alone once again, no one will celebrate with me and I won't receive any birthday gift. I'm unpopular, no one likes me. I'm the person who is not being loved by others, and that is all my fault.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

澳門原創歌曲-《LOVER》by KAVH (MTV完整版)

It's time to introduce some great original Macau music here. The song "Lover" by a local singing group KAVH, is one of my favorite songs I have been recently listening. This is also one of the candidate songs for this year's TDM Music Award. Hope you'll enjoy it and support original Macau music.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

May-December Love

I was reading a blog post of a fellow blogger about her point of view for May-December love, and it was quite interesting to bring it up right here. First I think some of you may not understand what May-December love is, I searched on the Internet, and I found the common definition of May-December love is "a couple who has a big age difference, either a romance between younger men and an older women, or younger women and older men". However, May-December love is commonly used for description of a romance between younger guys and older women.

Obviously May-December love is not something fresh already, I often learn those similar stories from the TV or newspaper. Even with today's opened society, many people still don't accept any kind of May-December love, they think May-December love won't last long, and it's a fruitless love. Interestingly I watched a several TV dramas about May-December love, whenever the male character fall in love with an older female character, the endings are always stereotyped - Either the male character or the female character proposes a breakup because of the pressure from his / her friends and family. Is May-December love really a nothing came love?

Now let's talk about what the blogger's thoughts about May-December love. On her blog she said she agreed that girls shouldn't fall in love with younger guys, but on the other hand she said if he does love the girl and the girl thinks he'll give her whatever she needs, then the age difference shouldn't be a matter. She also said we should cherish the moment, cherish the person we love. If he / she is your true love, why would you care about the age difference?

What about my thoughts about May-December love? Maybe I don't have the "qualification" to say whether May-December love is good or bad - I didn't have a lot of romances before, and I have never had any romance since I came to the U.S. - Another thing is I prefer my girlfriend is few years younger than me, but I can also say that love is blind. Trust me, whenever you fall in love with someone, you'll eventually accept anything good or bad about him / her, at that moment, would you still think how old he / she is? Just like my previous blog post, if you do love someone you should love him / her whole-heartedly, don't think anything else, just to love. Age should not be an obstacle of a romance.